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Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance

Underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company

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Coverage between $2,000 and $25,000.

Exclusions and Limitations
During the first two years, if you die from natural causes (any cause other than accidental), your beneficiaries will receive all premiums paid, plus 10%. After two years, the full benefit is paid for death due to all causes. For accidental death – independent of sickness and all other causes – full benefits are paid from the first day our policy is issued. (All benefits will be paid less any outstanding policy loan.)

Help take the financial burden off your loved ones.

Guaranteed Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance coverage designed to provide protection for your family by locking in benefits that can help pay for end-of-life expenses, as well as cash value that can be accessed in an emergency.

What you’ll receive:

Frequently Asked Questions

Your benefits can be used to cover burial, funeral, other final expenses, or to pay off debts.

You can use your new policy to supplement existing insurance coverage. Each individual can have up to $25,000 of Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance.


Coverage starts as soon as the first premium is paid.

Coverage starts as soon as the first premium is paid.

Guaranteed Whole Life (DTC)
Policy form ICC18L198P or state equivalent. In FL, D787LF19P. In NY, 1002Y-0119.

Motor Vehicle Accidental Death Rider Form C783LNA09R (C787LFL09R in FL, C791LLA09R in LA, C794LNC09R in NC, C799LOK09R in OK, C800LOR09R in OR, C818LPA09R in PA, C801LTX09R in TX) or state equivalent.

Children’s Whole Life
Policy Form ICC17L154P or state equivalent. In FL, D653LFL17P.

This is a solicitation of insurance. A licensed agent/producer may contact you.

Coverage may not be available in all states and may vary by state.

All guarantees subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Each company is responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations.

This life insurance does not specifically cover funeral goods or services, and may not cover the entire cost of your funeral. Your beneficiary may use the proceeds for any purpose, unless otherwise directed.

Life Insurance and annuities are underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. United of Omaha is licensed nationwide except in New York and does not solicit business in New York. In New York, Companion Life Insurance Company, Melville, NY 11747 underwrites life insurance and annuities.

Policy Exclusions/Limitations: The death benefit will not be paid if the insured’s death results from suicide, while sane or insane, within two years from the date of issue. Instead, we will pay the sum of the premiums paid since issue, less any loan and loan interest due and any withdrawals. Exclusions and limitations may vary by state.

Life insurance and annuity products are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not insured by any Federal government agency, not guaranteed by the bank, not a condition of any banking activity, may lose value and the bank may not condition an extension of credit on either: 1) The consumer’s purchase of an insurance product or annuity from the bank or any of its affiliates; or 2) The consumer’s agreement not to obtain, or a prohibition on the consumer from obtaining, an insurance product or annuity from an unaffiliated entity.


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